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diseño de piezas

Design of all types of pieces

We offer the possibility to design, manufacture and assembly all the pieces, in order to offer the product completely finished and ready for use.

We will guide you through choosing materials as a basic part of the design process, as right choice of the materials influences both, the characteristics of the final product as well as the economic impact of the project development.

Aluminum, steel and plastic

Aluminum, steel and plastic pieces are basic for successful product designs ranging from consumer products to the medical, automotive and aerospace sectors.

Our wide experience, allows us to create simple pieces as well as complex parts.

Our professional designer’s team will remain at your entire disposal offering their extensive experience in the development of your small or large projects. Our wide experience, allows us to create simple as well as complex pieces.

We are involved in the entire production process, from the initial design to the final finishing. Taking care of every detail of its manufacture and assembling of all the aluminum, steel and plastic pieces according to your needs.

Welt Metall - Aluminio, Acero y Plásticos